Risk reduction is our business
Product Quality Improvements

The term Quality means many things to many people but in the 21st Century it means treating threats to the quality as serious as are threats to food safety.  Progressive companies will utilize the same systematic HACCP approach to quality parameters.  This involves performing the same risk assessment as you would apply to your food safety plan but to a food quality plan.  The CODEX Alimentarius document considers the application of HACCP to food safety but acknowledges... "While the application of HACCP to food safety was considered here, the concept can be applied to other aspects of food quality."  The use of HACCP as an analytical tool is becoming more and more accepted as our global market expands as stated by Peri in 1981 from the U. of Milan, "Ignoring quality leads to a partial hazard analysis & inadequate process control."  The staff at QMS firmly believe in the twelve step approach as used in the establishment of HACCP to a complete Quality Plan with CQP's (Critical Quality Points). QMS can work with your staff to identify the quality elements for your products and together design a fully functional Quality Plan which will lead to quality enhancements for your processes and products.  This also gives greater consistency to your products which will lead to greater acceptance of your products by customers.

For more complete understanding of the 12 Step HACCP approach go to "HACCP Design, Development & Risk Assessment" .

Please contact our staff for further details.